Why You Should Stop Using “authentic” in Your Marketing
True story: every time I see the word "authentic" in someone's marketing, my brain stops all thought processes and immediately starts playing the scene from Zoolander where Derek is a mermaid in an Aveda commercial and is swimming around saying, "moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty."
(yes, I could've just linked you a video clip and saved myself writing that full description but whatevs it's done now)
Don't get me wrong. Authentic is a nice word. I like Authentic. If Authentic came around for happy hour I'm sure we'd have a margarita and a laugh. But damn. That word is overused to the point where --for me anyway-- it's actually laughable.
Tell me true: are you using the word 'authentic' in your marketing? (don't worry, we're in the circle of trust here).
If you're marketing yourself as "authentic" here's why I strongly encourage you to reconsider *and* an exercise to help you figure out better alternatives to communicate your badassery to the world. Ready?
Authentic is a buzzword. Full stop. Sometime in the last few years, it became a way for brands to stand out in a world obsessed with materialism and mindless consumerism. The prob now is 'authentic' is so ubiquitous (thank you, spell check) it's watered down and meaningless. Cliche even.
Authentic also doesn't make sense. Lemme nerd out for a mo here: authentic means "to be oneself" (from the Greek "self" + "to do or be"). Sooo if you're throwing 'authentic' into your branding mix, all you're saying is that you are...yourself.
The point I'm trying to make is, using 'authentic' is way too vague. If you're using 'authentic' I want you to go deeper. What do you really mean? When you say 'authentic' are you really trying to say:
Having a hard time getting below the surface of your 'authentic' label? Ask yourself:
Who are you – exactly?
What are you like – precisely?
How are you different from your competitors – specifically?
Another way to think of branding is to ask yourself who your business would be as a person. Like, if they showed up at your next Wino Wednesday party what would they be like? Would they be formal and super chic? Or casual and down-to-earth?
So pretty please my request for you this weekend is to let go of 'authentic' and instead use the questions above to reveal branding word(s) with real impact that will make your ideal customer say, "yes, please! she's *just* what I've been looking for!"
I'll go first! My brand is: playful, quirky, approachable, friendly, down-to-earth and confident
What about you? What 5 words (other than 'authentic') describe your business personality?