The Easy Way to Know What’s Really Important in Your Business
Let's talk about freedom for a mo, shall we? The thing is, I'm guessing you're a lot like me and the #1 reason (or for sure top 3) you wanted to start your own biz was for more freedom. You got all your ducks in a row and a website built and your first couple customers and you're like, "YESSSSSSS! This is it!! I'm my own boss, bitches!" and maybe a time or two you knock off early for the day to hit happy hour at 4:00 or grocery shop in the middle of the afternoon because you can do whatever the hell you want with your time now.
Only one little thing starts to happen: work creeps in. EVERYWHERE. Before you know it you're posting to IG on the sly at your kid's soccer game or staying up until midnight (or much, much later) answering emails and you're like, "hold the phone. this is not the lifestyle I signed up for."
Honeymoon = over.
But what if you could reclaim your time like our queen, Maxine Waters? I'm telling you sister, it's as simple as this one thing:
Get your priorities* straight.
Yup. That's it. Lock that shit up and you'll be feeling freedom again. Okay, but how do we actually know what deserves to be a priority? My friend, lemme introduce you to the Priority Matrix or The 4 D's or The Eisenhower Box. Whatever name you like, it looks like this:
The beauty of this matrix is it forces us to identify where our tasks land as urgent vs. not urgent and important vs. not important. It takes the guesswork out, ya know?
So can you do me a favor? If you're feeling overwhelmed and like you never have time to complete all the things, I want you to make your to-do list with this matrix as your guide. Better yet, pair it with my free guide to streamline your work week and you’ll truly be on fire!
What is ONE thing you can do each day to move your biz forward? Now, what else can you Delegate or --my personal favorite-- Delete altogether?
*did you know the word 'priority' wasn't pluralized until the 1900s?? Up until that time, it was understood that you could only have one top item of importance. No surprise then that we're so overwhelmed now because literally everything feels like a priority. Le sigh.