How to be Confident in Your Pricing
Something to definitely not be weird about is your pricing.
This came up in convo earlier this week with the group of cool peeps taking my guided course. I know you don't have a ton of time to read emails right now so I won't recount it word-for-word but! I didn't want to pass up this chance to share the golden nuggets with you.
So basically this one question sparked our discussion:
How do I get over my weirdness around charging money for my services and feeling awkward/terrible selling?
Zing! Damn, we could spend FOR-EV-ER unpacking this one question. But here's what it all boils down to:
Now, the thing is building confidence in your pricing + asking for business does take time and practice but trust me, it's just that: a practice.
The more you do it, the better you get at it. AKA: less weird.
Why is confidence important? Simple: your people look to YOU to take the lead. I don't care if you're selling butt covers for dogs (Google it, it's a thing) or personal chef services, our customers want to know we're 100% confident in our offer before they'll feel comfortable purchasing.
Think about it. If you want to hire a personal chef and they say, "My fee is normally $600 per week...but I'm totally flexible. I mean, we can do sliding scale if that's better. Whatever feels fair to you...Or I can do a discount if it's too much...It's really whatever works for you!"
You're now probably thinking: What's going on here? If he's so uncertain he must not feel sure about his skills. Maybe this isn't worth the money after all...
Without realizing it, you've set up your customer to perceive your product or service as over-priced.
To fix this, you don't have to be arrogant just self-assured. "My fee is $600 per week and that includes meal prep for 5 meals for your family of 4." BOOM. Now I have the info I need, it's totally clear, and I trust you've got your sh*t together because you're no longer giving me charity-case-vibes.
Because of your confidence I can decide if this is something for me to buy right now and feel good about that decision.
So let's get into our circle of trust here and tell me true, boo: on a scale of 1-10 (1 being suckfest and 10 being blazin' hot) how confident do you feel talking about your prices?